Wednesday, August 4, 2010

380 days..

Okay... It's just about a year.....   A year. that seems like no time at all.. One year until Mrs Eriksson...  Wow It's so exciting, I can barely think about it. So much to plan and to do and so many decisions to be made and all for one day..

One awesome 24 hour period that is dedicated to Olov and I....  I don't even care about the little things. I don't care about the food, or the music or the drinks or the photography... or the dress...

I'm just bursting with giddiness at the fact that we are going to be married.

June 2010, Nokia D90
Taken July 2010, with Hipstamatic for Iphone

1 comment:

mia said...

Oh Sweetie~this coming year will fly by! Your wedding day will be here before you know it!
Sending much love, xoxo

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