Monday, August 23, 2010

362 days and a little more calm

Okay okay I've had some time to get over the mass spam of my account with Wedding this and wedding that..

I could rant a little more actually but I won't.

Olov and I are starting to get things going, We called some caterers and a cake shop.. YUMMM Cake tasting!!!

We called the reception hall caretaker only to find out that he is currently on vacation.. Hey even care takers need a little vacay right!

I've decided to go with pre made free invitations (thanks Merium) and will be sending out some "save the date" cards ASAP!   so umm don't be too disappointed, it's not going to be fancy.

We've agreed on budget, we've agreed on flowers and color and decorations.

We've agreed that Olov needs dance lessons.. Well maybe we will just dance together a couple of times a week.. We do not need a fancy dance (althought I kind think it would be fun) but then think maybe it's a little over done.. Who knows.

I've put some MAJOR thought into my wedding dress and completely changed my mind on what I want like a thousand times. I guess I will just have to get into a wedding dress shop and try something on.. EVENTUALLY  yes I'm putting it off.

It's exciting and scary and since I have no idea what I am doing it's even more scary.

there are questions like

do we want a religious ceremony? keeping in mind that Olov's family is religioius and mine is not

what kind of traditions do the families have?

blah blah blah blah...

I'm going to bike home now to my fiance and talk about our days and enjoy some time together and think about this another day. When we can both sit down and talk about it.

Who says the Bride has to do it all!   

1 comment:

mia said...

So glad I was helpful~sounds like you're getting it all together!

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