Wednesday, May 12, 2010

464 Days

Another week comes to an end. It's a Red day tomorrow so it's time for rest and relaxation on this wonderful 4 day weekend.. I can feel myself unwinding already.

This weekend Olov and I will visit the reception area..  It holds 80 people so I guess it's a good thing I have a small family and not so many friends because Olov has a huge family and lots of friends. Okay I Kid, I have friends, NO seriously I do!

I keep trying to get Olov settled on a guest list, or a first dance song, or on whether we will have a dj or just do the music ourselves and last but not least Catering.. If I could pull my hair out sometimes I think I would. I fully understand why most women turn into Bridezillas and or leave their future husbands in the dark about the whole thing.. 

Hey Baby... You don't want to give me all creative control..

On the upside, it looks like we know our budget.

But there is a small part of me that thinks, I could spend this money on a car, maybe a new couch, a 48 inch flatscreen tv, a new computer..... 

Well I'm going to head home and have a Rum and Coke on the deck with Olov..  Put my feet up and perhaps even have a barbeque.....

Have a great weekend everyone!

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