Thursday, April 22, 2010

484 days.. But only 13 days until Olov come home

Only 13 days left until Olov comes home, I can't say I'm not excited but 13 days.. God it feels like a life time.

It's never been this tough before when he's gone away, it's different and it's horrible. I can't stand it, I think a big difference is we're not talking as much, sure we have skype (but not everyday) and we can use chat. But with such limited time to speak and problems with connection (mostly on his side) it's quite hard to carry on any sort of conversation.  I am not doing as well as I would hope to do.

So anyways... The grand opening of the reception building of the church we like is this weekend. Do I go or wait for Olov.. I think I will have to wait. 13 days... UGH a life time.

Be honest how sad is it that I miss him this much......  I think Kaya misses him too...

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